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Holistic Therapy


the benefits of holistic therapy for addiction recovery

There are many different programs that can be considered holistic therapy options for people in addiction recovery. These are programs that go beyond the evidence-based treatments of medication and behavioral therapy. They are more individualized and personal therapeutic options that help certain patients achieve their most successful recoveries.

You can contact us any time to learn more about holistic detox and rehab treatment. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to help you find safe, effective detox programs for your recovery from substance abuse. Call 800-996-6135(Who Answers?) now to get help today.

What Is Holistic Therapy?

Holistic therapies are non-evidence-based treatments for addiction recovery. These usually include programs that are not associated with talk therapy or medications and that use different methods of helping people avoid relapse and build a strong recovery. Holistic therapies can include many different types of programs, but they are normally helpful for those who have trouble expressing themselves in regular therapy.

Holistic programs are often best as supplemental treatment options used in tandem with evidence-based practices.

Popular Holistic Methods

  • Yoga
  • Meditation
  • Art therapy
  • Dance therapy
  • Movement therapy
  • Leisure and recreational activities
  • Spiritual development
  • Cultural awareness and appreciation
  • Exercise therapy
  • Acupuncture
  • Animal/pet therapy
  • Gardening therapy
  • Herbal therapy
  • Virtual reality therapy
  • Journaling
  • Hypnosis
  • Homeopathy
  • Aromatherapy
  • Massage therapy
  • Music therapy
  • Coloring therapy
  • Performance/acting therapy
  • Biofeedback therapy
  • Wilderness/adventure therapy
  • Recreation therapy

Many people also consider additional programs like nutritional counseling, vocational guidance and resume building, and educational, housing, and relationship help to be types of holistic therapy. The goal of these programs is to treat the whole individual rather than simply focusing on minimizing a set of symptoms. They also help the person achieve a better life through new and effective activities and treatments.

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How Does Holistic Therapy Work?

Holistic therapy programs are varied and vast. As such, they can do many different things to help recovering addicts make positive changes. Different programs can work for different people and it is always best to consider the patient’s needs when choosing a holistic therapy.

  • Holistic therapies help patients build a strong sense of self-identity. These programs teach a new skill, which allows people to understand their own emotions better through their work. In addition, it can boost their self-esteem when they hone their new knowledge.
  • Holistic methods help those who have trouble with traditional therapy. Not everyone can talk for long periods of time about their feelings. Many also do not understand why they feel or act the way they do. Holistic programs allow patients to see their actions and feelings through a different lens. This might make it easier to understand and express their feelings.
  • Different holistic programs can help with severe symptoms. For example, acupuncture or massage therapy can help those who experience pain after quitting drugs. Animal therapy can help patients work through cravings and feelings of grief.
  • Certain patients—such as women and LGBTQ patients—have needs that can be hard to meet with the traditional practices. Programs like art therapy can help them work through difficult feelings, traumas, or other unique issues. Holistic programs can be more sensitive to the needs of certain people.
  • Holistic methods promote good health, which is necessary during recovery. Nutritional counseling and exercise therapy remind patients how to take care of their bodies. Exercises like yoga have physical and mental health benefits and can be done with other people. This adds a sense of community to one’s recovery.

No one holistic method is effective for every patient. However, anyone who believes one of these methods could be helpful should seek it out.

When Should Holistic Therapy Begin?

Depending on the program you choose, holistic treatment can begin as early as detox or as late as aftercare. You may want to start the treatment during your withdrawal if it will be helpful with your symptoms. Pet, biofeedback, and massage therapy can all be beneficial programs for those who have uncomfortable symptoms. This is why holistic detox centers are becoming more and more popular.

It should all depend on your current situation and if you are ready for a certain program. For example, you may want to avoid turning to wilderness therapy until you are through the worst of your withdrawal symptoms. When you’re more stabilized, you’ll be able to get the most from therapy.

How Long Does Holistic Therapy Last?

Holistic therapy can last as long as you need it to in many cases. Some people visit their treatment centers or stay in a facility that offers programs like massage therapy, acupuncture, or hypnosis while others may receive these treatments in another office. Some patients enjoy yoga and continue going to classes during aftercare. It is important to continue the program for as long as it helps you.

Where Can I Find Holistic Therapy?

Evidence-based approaches to addiction treatment are almost always essential, but most detox and rehab centers offer at least some kind of holistic option nowadays. If you don’t like the idea of traditional detox programs, you can find holistic detox centers all across the country. You only need to find the program that provides the options you seek.

Seek Safe, Effective Detox Treatment Today

Let us help you find centers that take a holistic approach to substance abuse treatment. We can help you find detox care for your recovery. Just call 800-996-6135(Who Answers?) today.


  1. The Arts in Psychotherapy. (2017). Do Creative Arts Therapies Reduce Substance Misuse? A Systematic Review.
  2. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs. (2003). An Holistic Approach to Substance Abuse Treatment. 
  3. National Institute on Drug Abuse. (2018). Principles of Drug Addiction Treatment: A Research-Based Guide (Third Edition)- Evidence-Based Approaches to Drug Addiction Treatment. 
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