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Men Indicted on Drug Trafficking Charge

Two Georgia men have been indicted on drug trafficking charges of distributing at least 500 grams of methamphetamine between the months of February and March of 2018. The indictment occurred on March 7, 2018. The two men are Michael Montoya-Austria from Atlanta, Georgia and Sergio Ortiz from Doraville, Georgia. Both men were indicted for selling in Jefferson County, Alabama.

The U.S. Attorney Jay Town was the top prosecutor on the case. The large quantities on methamphetamine sold and distributed by these men make the case fairly noteworthy. Montoya-Austria and Ortiz are 26 and 31 years old, respectively.

Methamphetamine Abuse and Georgia

drug trafficking

Methamphetamine has been a serious threat in the state of Georgia for quite a while. According to the National Drug Intelligence Center, this drug posed an increasing threat in 2003, when the number of methamphetamine treatment admissions increased severely from 451 in 1997 to 953 in 2001. At this time, it didn’t seem to pose much of a threat in Atlanta; however, by 2014, there had be a serious increase in methamphetamine indicators in the large, urban city. As stated by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, methamphetamine treatment admissions increased even more during this time in Atlanta from 5.2 percent of all admissions in 2010 to 7.5 percent of all admissions in 2013.

Like with the opioid crisis, Georgia is facing a serious methamphetamine problem, one that can only be solved with the help of well-rounded actions on multiple fronts. One of the most important options for dealing with the methamphetamine crisis is to ensure that those suffering from addiction are able to get help.

What Does Meth Addiction Treatment Entail?

Methamphetamine addiction can become highly severe. According to the Center for Substance Abuse Research, people who abuse meth might take it for several days or even weeks without sleeping or eating much, just to keep their high going strong. People who have been on this drug can also become violent or dangerous. These are just some of the reasons why professional treatment is necessary for meth addiction.

  • Meth addiction treatment usually starts with detox. Detox allows the patient to be slowly stripped of their dependence on meth and to be treated medically for withdrawal. Meth withdrawal can be very uncomfortable and unpleasant, and in some cases, even dangerous, as it causes full-blown psychosis in some individuals.
    • For this, detox treatment is necessary, which focuses on stabilizing the patient and allowing them to stay safe while going through withdrawal. Meth withdrawal may last as long as three or four weeks in treatment.
  • Afterward, the patient can transition into rehab treatment. This program focuses more on addiction than dependence, and it helps the patient learn coping skills that will allow them to avoid returning to meth in the future. This is highly necessary for a safe recovery, although detox can also be an essential choice for treatment. When used together, however, both are the most effective option for addiction recovery.

Putting an End to Your Meth Abuse

Are you ready to stop abusing meth and recover your life again? Just call 800-996-6135(Who Answers?) to speak with a treatment advisor. We will help you find safe detox and rehab centers in your area.

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