Rapid Detox Centers: What are They and are they even safe?

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, many addicts do not seek treatment because they fear the unpleasant often dangerous symptoms of withdrawal. There is a way to avoid the majority of these symptoms through rapid detox. Rapid detox is a relatively new addiction treatment. When considering rapid detox centers it is important to understand what rapid detox is, how it is done, and the risks involved.

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What is a Rapid Detox?

Rapid detox is a program where the addict is placed under anesthesia for an extended period. Once they are under, doctors administer proprietary drugs to help cleanse the body of the toxins the drugs produce. This process throws the addict into immediate withdrawal but because they are under anesthesia, they do not feel these symptoms.

What is Involved in Rapid Detox?

Rapid detox involves either putting an addict under general anesthesia or sedating them during the worst of the withdrawal symptoms. During this process you are medically monitored by hospital staff. They administer varying levels of detoxification drugs, depending on your addiction. Many people report that they feel nothing after rapid detox and have very few withdrawal symptoms after it is finished.

What are the Benefits of Rapid Detox Centers?

Rapid Detox Centers

Detoxification drugs are administered while under anesthesia or sedation during rapid detox.

One of the primary benefits of rapid detox is that it takes one day as opposed to traditional detox which takes weeks. Some of the other benefits are:
• you can start the counseling and life building portion of the addiction treatment faster
• you can get back to your life sooner
• you are medically monitored throughout the entire process
• most people who go through rapid detox experience little or no withdrawal symptoms
it is a lot less painful than regular detox
• you receive a complete physical and medical treatment during and after the procedure
These are not the only benefits to rapid detox. Many people use this type of detox when they are afraid of the withdrawal symptoms or are concerned about the time other forms of detox takes.

Who is a Candidate for Rapid Detox?

Not everyone is a good candidate for rapid detox. People who cannot participate in rapid detox:

• suffer from a medical illness that prevents anesthesia or sedation
• have a heart or respiratory condition
• are addicted to a drug that cannot be rapidly detoxed from
• are generally unhealthy or malnourished
• have a mental or physical condition that prevents them from participating
Those who are good candidates for rapid detox are:
• opiate addicts
• alcohol addicts
• benzodiazepine addicts
• healthy with the exception of the addiction
• need to be hospitalized for detox due to their addiction
• people who do not want to go through the unpleasant effects of withdrawal

Rapid detox is an extremely helpful for some people but it is not for everyone or for all addictions. There are risks involved.

What are the Risks Involved in Rapid Detox?

The risks involved in rapid detox are varied depending on the addict’s condition. Many doctors will not perform rapid detox if there is any doubt about heart health or respiratory issues.
Make no mistake rapid detox is a medical procedure. It carries the same risks of heart failure and other fatal issues as major surgery does. Talk to your doctor about the dangers of rapid detox before deciding to try it.

As with any treatment, it does not work for everyone. In fact, there is a higher risk for relapse with rapid detox than with the traditional methods. To find out if rapid detox is right for you call us at 800-996-6135(Who Answers?) .

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