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Holistic Drug Detox and Herbal Remedies


A lot of people struggle with drug and alcohol disorders. For example, the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) reports 16.6 million adults ages 18 and older—7.0 percent of this age group—had an alcohol use disorder in 2013. This includes 10.8 million men and 5.8 million women. That’s a lot of people. But, of the millions suffering from an alcohol use disorder, relatively few of them will receive treatment at a specialized facility. The NIAAA reports roughly 1.3 million adults received treatment for an alcohol use disorder at a specialized facility in 2013—7.8 percent of adults who needed treatment. And the same difference exists between the total number of drug abusers and the number of them who receive treatment. Why might this disparity occur? One reason is that people lack education about the options offered in treatment. If you don’t know what will happen or what you can pursue, then you aren’t very likely to seek out treatment. But, people need help, especially during the difficult detox phase, when withdrawal can make it difficult not to return to drug or alcohol. One little known form of detoxification is holistic drug detox.

If you are interested in learning more about holistic detox and other forms of detox, you should. You can’t make a good decision unless it is an informed decision.

For more information and to connect with resources and detox programs, contact

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The General Principle of Holistic Drug Detox

Holistic Drug Detox

Herbs have been used for centuries to treat a variety of ailments, including withdrawal symptoms.

There are many forms of holistic detoxification, but the central focus is to bring together the mind, body and spirit of those suffering from addiction. In no way is the holistic approach new; if anything, many of the detox treatments considered holistic predate modern, western medicine. When you go holistic, you draw from practices with deep roots in history and other cultures. Thanks to the wide pool from which they are drawn, holistic detox techniques are applicable to detoxification from any drug and for any patient.

Herbal Medicine

Most people are familiar with the herbs in their spice cabinet, but they aren’t as familiar with the herbal remedies that have been used for centuries to treat ailments. Because detox frequently causes exhaustion, touchiness, increased pain sensitivity, and nausea, you need herbs that will energize, those that will soothe, and those that relieve pain.


To restore the energy and motivation sapped during the withdrawal stages of detox, you can benefit from herbs that put a little more pep in your step. Yerba mate is a popular one and you may know about it already because it is served in many cafes and coffee shops as an alternative to coffee. However, unlike caffeine, it will pick you up without negative side effects like anxiety and inability to sleep. Other good herbs for energy include sida cordifolia, guarana, and Korean ginseng. As an added bonus, some of these make you have to pee, which will move the drugs out of your system more quickly, shortening the overall detox time needed.


Most people are familiar with prescription sedatives, which may be employed during detox. But, because many prescription sedatives themselves can trigger addiction, they may not be a good idea. Instead, try herbs with similar properties. Well-known calming herbs include kava, valerian, and passionflower. They can all ease tension, relax anxiety, and aid in fighting insomnia. They may be used alone or they may be implemented alongside more traditional treatments. In fact, a scientific study found that passionflower increased the efficacy of clonidine in treating opiate withdrawal.

Relieve Pain

Detoxification from drugs triggers withdrawal that often involves intense pain. Therefore, using medicinal herbs to limit or relive that pain can help you make it more easily through the detox stage. Ginger works wonders soothing your tummy and decreasing pain; that makes it perfect for treating pain and nausea. Other herbs to try include white willow bark, turmeric, and cherry extract.

As with any treatment, work carefully with the guidance of a trained professional. Herbs can come with side effects, so be sure to monitor your symptoms and to speak up is something feels wrong.

If you are ready to look into holistic detox or are interested in other types of detox, contact at 800-996-6135(Who Answers?)  for more information.


  1. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. (2018). Alcohol Facts and Statistics. 
  2. Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics. (2001). Passionflower in the treatment of opiates withdrawal: a double-blind randomized controlled trial.
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