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Tips for a Safe Crystal Meth Detox

Crystal methamphetamine is a central nervous system stimulant that causes severe damage to users, their families, their homes, communities. The chemical makeup is never consistent and often includes poisons that a person would not consider safe to touch, let alone swallow, snort, smoke, or inject. Use of crystal meth is highly addictive and many have succumbed to its effects. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, “Smoking or injecting the drug delivers it very quickly to the brain, where it produces an immediate, intense euphoria.” If you’re dependent on this drug, it’s imperative that you learn how to have a safe crystal meth detox

Repeat or chronic meth addiction causes physical and psychological health problems that may be reversed after ceasing the use of meth, but, sadly many changes can last a long time or become permanent. Smoking or injecting the drug delivers it very quickly to the brain, where it produces an immediate, intense euphoria. Because the pleasure also fades quickly, users often take repeated doses, in a “binge and crash” pattern.

Contact a treatment professional for free advice and resources on crystal meth detox.

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Crystal Meth Withdrawals

safe crystal meth detox

Crystal meth withdrawal can be dangerous. Seek detox treatment today!

Remaining safe and abstinent during the acute withdrawal phase is the primary goal of crystal meth detox. Common withdrawal symptoms may include; intense cravings, increased heart rate and blood pressure, irritability, agitation, anxiety, paranoia, insomnia, depression, and mood swings. In severe cases, depression can lead to harmful or suicidal tendencies, violent behavior, hallucinations, deliriums, or other psychosis.

Tips for a Safe Crystal Meth Detox

The profound physical and psychological problems caused by crystal meth are a huge concern during detox. Many crystal meth addicts have co-existing substance abuse problems or dual diagnosis of physical or mental health problems that can impact the severity of their withdrawals. It is wise to discuss these issues with a qualified physician prior to attempting detox.

Detoxing from crystal meth usually occurs in an inpatient facility or hospital setting where the person can be made more comfortable and safe in a unit that is equipped to address any symptoms that may arise. In some cases, medications may be administered to help alleviate distressing symptoms and ensure safety during the detox recovery process. There are no FDA approved medications available to treat crystal meth addiction. Antipsychotic medications may be used to manage symptoms of psychosis and sedatives or antidepressants may be used for short term relief of extreme anxiety and depression.

Crystal meth detox in a facility which also has an inpatient drug rehab is most beneficial and gives the addict an advantage to transition from the acute withdrawal phase of crystal meth detox to the extended detox phase more easily. Depending on the duration and levels of abuse, as well as other factors such as method of abuse and intensity, it takes time for a crystal meth abuser to physically and psychologically stabilize. Once the crystal meth is out of their system, they may still suffer withdrawal symptoms including intense cravings and other side effects which can be serious or cause relapse.

Find crystal meth detox centers across the country by searching our directory, or by calling 800-996-6135(Who Answers?) and speaking with a treatment specialist. 


  1. National Institute on Drug Abuse. (2018). Methamphetamine. 
  2. Social Work in Public Health. (2013). Medication for Substance Use Disorders. 
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