Are These Symptoms of Alcohol Withdrawal, or Am I Sick?

If you or a loved one are experiencing problems that could possibly be symptoms of alcohol withdrawal, it may be difficult to determine whether that is indeed what they are or you are sick. This can especially confusing if you did not realize you had developed such a dependency on alcohol, and therefore did not realize that your recent symptoms are related to a craving for a drink.

Take a look at the symptoms of alcohol withdrawal and determine what the cause of your problems may be.

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Similarity of Symptoms

One reason that you may mistake withdrawal symptoms for sickness is that some of the symptoms are similar. According to U.S. National Library of Medicine, you may experience:

  • Headaches
  • Nausea
  • Sweating
  • A range of other symptoms that you may wrongly diagnose as illness
Symptoms of Alcohol Withdrawal

Nausea and headaches are common alcohol withdrawal symptoms.

Symptoms may also come in a form less related to physical illness, such as:

  • Anxiety
  • Mood swings
  • Nightmares

Some of these mood changes or agitation may be less noticeable to you as a sign of withdrawal, but if you seem to be experiencing these as well as physical symptoms, this could be a clear sign. If you think that this may be the case, just call 800-996-6135(Who Answers?) to speak with a specialist about your situation and symptoms.

Do You Have a Substance Abuse Issue?

If you are having trouble determining whether you are experiencing withdrawals, perhaps you haven’t realized how much of an effect your use of alcohol has had on your life. According to guidelines of the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, when you drink more alcohol than is considered healthy, you are more likely to develop withdrawal symptoms upon stopping or reducing alcohol intake.

Sometimes people drink unhealthy amounts without even realizing that they are doing so, because they aren’t really paying attention to the amount they are consuming or the frequency. If drinking becomes an automatic behavior, and you allow your body to adjust to abundant amounts, then you will experience the withdrawal symptoms if you stop or reduce the amount.

In order to determine the cause of the symptoms you are feeling, it may be beneficial to reflect upon the amount or frequency of your recent alcohol consumption.

What Do You Do If It Is Alcohol Withdrawal?

If you determine that your issues could be symptoms of alcohol withdrawal, what do you do? Curing your symptoms by drinking alcohol is not the solution, as this only leads to further dependency and more harmful health problems down the road.

Since you may be catching your unhealthy alcohol habits early, taking a step towards health may be a bit easier, and joining a support group could help you do that. If you are deeper into an alcohol dependency, however, and know that abstinence on your own would be difficult to accomplish, there are many behavioral therapy and pharmacotherapy options available to help you through this time of recovery.

If you or a loved one are struggling with alcohol withdrawals, just call 800-996-6135(Who Answers?) to speak with a caring specialist about any questions or concerns you may have.

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