Recovering Massachusetts Residents Want Better Treatment for Addicts

A group of recovering individuals met with state legislators at the Faulkner Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts on Monday, March 12, 2018. The meeting was set to discuss the state of the opioid addiction epidemic in Massachusetts and how legislation can help fight this issue, specifically by allowing recovering individuals better and more access to treatment.

The recovering individuals are part of the group MOAR, also known as Massachusetts Organization for Addiction Recovery. The event was MOAR’s 15th annual public policy forum. One of the main areas of discussion was the governor’s new CARE Act, which is meant to build on the 2016 legislation. The act will allow more individuals to receive access to treatment as well as create a committee that will review the procedures used to determine the credentials of recovery coaches.

Although this will go a long way toward helping Massachusetts addicts, more is still necessary.

“We’re not there yet,” Maryanne Frangules, MOAR’s Executive Director, stated. “We’re making very good progress and we thank the governor and the policymakers for their leadership, but I think we all know we have to keep moving on because we need the foundation and the continuity of care, so it stays alive and everybody respect the need for good care.”

Massachusetts and Opioid Addiction

treatment for addicts

The opioid epidemic has been severe in this state for many years. The number of opioid overdose deaths increased in the state by 26.4 percent between 2014 and 2015. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, this was a statistically significant number. In 2017, while the number of opioid-related deaths actually decreased for the first time in years by 8 percent between 2016 and 2017, opioid overdose deaths actually skyrocketed, having increased more than 300 percent since 2010.

But how can you get help for someone you love who is struggling with opioid abuse? And which programs are best for this specific type of substance use disorder?

Treatment for Opioid Addiction

Getting treatment for opioid use disorders is possible, and the sooner you seek help, the sooner you or your loved one can start to heal.

  • Usually, detox treatment followed by rehab is the best choice for opioid addiction. If you choose to seek detox treatment first, you MUST seek rehab afterward.
  • Detox will help you work through your dependence on opioid drugs while rehab will allow you to learn the skills you will need to avoid relapse in the future.
  • In most cases, medications like methadone, buprenorphine, or naltrexone are used to treat opioid addiction along with behavioral therapies like cognitive-behavioral therapy, contingency management, and group therapy.
    • Contrary to popular misconceptions about addiction treatment, taking medications like methadone or buprenorphine under a doctor’s care is not like trading one addiction for another because the drug will not cause euphoria if taken at the right dosage (National Institute on Drug Abuse).
  • Afterwards, you may need an aftercare program or another type of treatment option in order to make a full recovery. It is important to discuss these needs with your doctor and to work toward the best options for your situation.

Don’t wait until things get worse; seek treatment today.

Begin Recovery by Calling Now

You can start seeking safe, professional treatment for your or your loved one’s opioid addiction immediately. Just call 800-996-6135(Who Answers?) to learn about potentially beneficial treatment facilities near you.

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